Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Over the last several years a group of my friends have developed a New Year’s Day tradition – the gentlemen get together and play poker for the pot and the ladies go to the Indiana Springs Resort and Spa. Now this isn’t just any spa but a natural cave system with hot pools and vapor. We hang out in the quiet caves, get massages and salt glow treatments and have a nice lunch.

A few years ago I made up a bunch of sugar scrubs and gave them to my friends for a gift. Donna thought it was one of the best scrubs she had ever used and wanted the recipe. Well, life gets busy and I’ve been remiss in getting it to her. So, today, in lieu of a foodie recipe for your stomach I’m giving you one to feed your soul.

I found this on the Ponte Vedra Soap Shop website. You can find the supplies to make your scrub there as well. Enjoy and have a fabulous new year!

Brown Sugar Body Buff

½ c brown sugar
½ c kosher salt
¼ c or less of a combination of sunflower, sweet almond, and jojoba oils (I like a little evening primrose as well)
1 T white clay (kaolin or china)
1 T honey
1 tsp vitamin E oil (I use the capsules – just poke a hole and squeeze)
1 tsp of essential oil to scent (I like lavender and orange – use whatever suits your fancy)

Mix up in a bowl and store in a jar. The oil will rise to the top when sitting. Just stir up and use. Try not to get water into the jar as the scrub will spoil more quickly.

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